A new project of an ecological sailing ship for training young people from the Choren Design & Consulting

Choren Design & Consulting has presented a new preliminary design of an ecological sailing ship, on which young people aged 12 to 20 are to acquire sailing skills. The initiator of the construction of the vessel is the “Rewa” Yacht Club.

more (in Polish): https://www.portalmorski.pl/wiadomosci/inne/53156-nowy-projekt-ekologicznego-zaglowca-do-szkolenia-mlodziezy-z-biura-choren-design-consulting?fbclid=IwAR2xfpqfI7cEP_PqP4XgKWTvA_hxfiUC20KqkhV426CYVqcwMpXjgk4BcBs

From 2d to 3d

Project of tug boat 14m almost ready.

TSHD Swalinge

Reconstruction of TSHD SWALINGE produced in Kooiman Marine Shipyard. Redevelopment project by Choren Design & Consulting.

more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fVO8UwcnVU

Polish-Bulgarian cooperation in the construction of sailing ships

Choren Design & Consulting begins a long-term cooperation with the Bulgarian shipowner with the construction of the brigantine. The unit will serve sea ​​education.

more: https://www.portalmorski.pl/wiadomosci/stocznie-statki/51675-polsko-bulgarska-wspolpraca-przy-budowie-zaglowcow

Sea Cloud Spirit in Gdansk, Poland

A unique cruise ship has arrived at the port of Gdansk. Sea Cloud Spirit is a sailing ship. The ship moored at the Westerplatte terminal. This year, he will visit Gdańsk twice more.

The ship belongs to the German operator of cruise ships Sea Cloud Cruises. The shipowner has two more such vessels – Sea Cloud and Sea Cloud II. This is a new ship, because it has been sailing only since 2021.

more: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1036513100377871

An unusual cruise ship at the Port of Gdansk

A unique cruise ship has arrived at the port of Gdansk. Sea Cloud Spirit is a sailing ship. The ship moored at the Westerplatte terminal. This year, he will visit Gdańsk twice more.

The ship belongs to the German operator of cruise ships Sea Cloud Cruises. The shipowner has two more such vessels – Sea Cloud and Sea Cloud II. This is a new ship, because it has been sailing only since 2021.

more: https://biznes.trojmiasto.pl/Niezwykly-zaglowiec-wycieczkowy-w-Porcie-Gdansk-n168749.html

Zygmunt Choreń about designing sailing ships and what to do to make life interesting

A unique interview with the legendary designer of sailing ships – Zygmunt Choreń. The film was made in cooperation with students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding, who work with Zygmunt Choreń on the construction of digital models of sailing ships.

more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWN-OeHNgrg

Zygmunt Choreń – Tales of wind and salt

more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnLQUO4d3yg

Tales of wind and salt: Zygmunt Choreń

He is called the father of sailing ships and this term is not an exaggeration, because he created over 20 projects. Zygmunt Choreń can talk colorfully about his “children”.

more: https://zeglarski.info/artykuly/film-opowiesci-z-wiatru-i-soli-zygmunt-choren/

Captains of great sailing ships raced in Rewa

On a daily basis, they command great sailing ships – “Dar Młodych”, “Fryderyk Chopin” or “Pogoria”. On September 19, during the Captains’ Regatta for the Cup of the Rector of the Maritime University, they moved to small boats. Who won?

more: https://trojmiasto.wyborcza.pl/trojmiasto/7,35612,26320242,kapitanowie-wielkich-zaglowcow-scigali-sie-w-rewie.html

Zygmunt Choreń – about the book “Girls and Boys Television. A story like a fairy tale from another world”.

Zygmunt Choreń, the constructor of the largest Polish sailing ships, talks about his impressions after reading the book “Television of Girls and Boys (1957-1993). A story like a fairy tale from another world”. The first sailing ships built according to his designs were: the barquentine “Pogoria” in 1980 and the frigate “Dar Młodzieży” in 1982. Later the barquentine ORP “Iskra” for the Polish Navy (1982); barkentine “Kaliakra” for Bulgaria (1984) and research vessel “Oceania” built for the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1985).

more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFvSjP9TieY

His name is known in every shipyard in the world. “Father of sailing ships” with a new project

Brzozowy Kąt, a village in Podlasie. While rummaging in the attic, little Zygmunt finds copies of the monthly “Sea” in the trunks. Following the instructions, he folds the paper ships. A little later, he refines the projects by constructing ships from a pig trough and then building a wooden kayak with a friend. Today, there is no man in the world who has designed more sailing ships than him, but Zygmunt Choreń has no intention of retiring. A worthy successor to the legendary Pogoria has just been created on the drawing board of his office.

more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmQQn5yh0zI

40 years of “Pogoria”. A sailing ship to the volcanoes, because the sea is for everyone

On January 23, exactly 40 years have passed since the launch of “Pogoria”, the first sailing ship built from scratch in Poland. The ship was built in 1980 in the Gdańsk Shipyard, then named after Lenin. The designer of the unit was a young engineer, Zygmunt Choreń. The success of “Pogoria” paved the way for further productions: “Dar Młodych”, “Iskra”, “Fryderyk Chopin” and many other units.

more: https://trojmiasto.wyborcza.pl/trojmiasto/7,35612,25645149,tt-40-lat-pogorii-pogoria-na-wulkany.html

Zygmunt Choreń works at Gorch Fock

The famous Gdańsk engineer Zygmunt Choreń was asked to support the reconstruction of the rigging of the museum barge Gorch Fock. During the work in Stralsund, the “father of sailing ships” i.a. climbed the mast of the historic ship.

more: https://zaglowce.info/zygmunt-choren-pracuje-na-gorch-focku/

Zygmunt Choreń’s most beautiful sailing ships at the exhibition

The National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk, in cooperation with shipbuilder Zygmunt Choreń, has prepared a temporary exhibition entitled “Zygmunt Choreń’s sailing ships”. The exhibition shows sailing ships and other types of ships designed and co-designed by Zygmunt Choreń during his work at the Gdańsk Shipyard, and then at the “Choreń Design and Consulting” company.

more: https://www.portalmorski.pl/wiadomosci/inne/43561-najpiekniejsze-zaglowce-zygmunta-chorenia-na-wystawie

Flying Clipper under sail!

more: https://zaglowce.info/flying-clipper-pod-zaglami/

Cinema under sail – Constructor of sailing ships and Zygmunt Choreń

more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyFm2h1YjAQ

On the 88th anniversary of the raising of the flag, an exhibition of Zygmunt Choreń’s achievements and a mass at “Dar Pomorza”

On July 13 this year, exactly on the 88th anniversary of raising the flag on the sailing ship “Dar Pomorza” (today under the careful care of the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk), an exhibition dedicated to the activity and professional achievements of Zygmunt Choreń, the most famous sailing ship designer in Poland and in the world, was opened.

more: https://oficynamorska.pl/2018/63839/

In Gdynia, an exhibition devoted to the designer of sailing ships – Zygmunt Choreń

On the sailing ship – the “Dar Pomorza” museum, an exhibition dedicated to the constructor of sailing ships – Zygmunt Choreń was opened on Friday. He designed i.a. the barque “Aleksander von Humboldt”, the brig “Fryderyk Chopin” and the frigate “Flying Clipper”, which is the largest sailing ship in the world.

more: https://dzieje.pl/wystawy/w-gdyni-wystawa-poswiecona-projektantowi-zaglowcow-zygmuntowi-choreniowi

Zygmunt Choreń, maître des voiliers-écoles

Maître des voiliers-écoles – master of sailing.

more (in French): https://www.chasse-maree.com/zygmunt-choren/

The frigate built in Gdańsk for the cadets of the Algerian army set sail

Sea trials of the sailing ship “El-Mellah”, built by the Remontowa Shipbuilding shipyard in Gdańsk, are underway. Staff for the dynamically developing Algerian Navy in recent years will be trained on board.

more: https://trojmiasto.wyborcza.pl/trojmiasto/7,35612,22121614,wybudowana-w-gdansku-fregata-postawila-zagle.html

The largest sailing ship in the world

more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZSQq367Lu8

Zygmunt Choreń’s sailing ships

On the outskirts of Gdańsk, in a block of flats with a height of 45 meters, designs for the largest and most expensive sailing ships in the world are being developed. Zygmunt Choreń has already created 20 of them. He started in the People’s Republic of Poland with “Pogoria” and “Dar Młodzieży”, now his ships are ordered by cronies.

more: https://www.forbes.pl/przywodztwo/zygmunt-choren-kim-jest-projektant-daru-mlodziezy-i-pogoni-zaglowcow-prl/77hf0nb

Piotr Kuźniar and Zygmunt Choreń received the awards

On Sunday, March 6, at the Sheraton Hotel in Warsaw, for the fifth time, the Captain Leszek Wiktorowicz. They were collected by Captain Piotr Kuźniar and Zygmunt Choreń.

more: https://www.portalmorski.pl/wiadomosci/inne/31157-piotr-kuzniar-i-zygmunt-choren-odebrali-nagrody

Winner of the Special Award 2016 – Zygmunt Choreń

Special Prize for Captain Leszek Wiktorowicz was received by the legendary designer and constructor of the world’s largest sailing ships, Zygmunt Choreń.

more: https://nagrodawiktorowicza.pl/portfolio-item/2016-nagroda-specjalna/

more: https://sailbook.pl/piotr-kuzniar-i-zygmunt-choren-laureatami-nagrody-im-wiktorowicza/

Life Under Sail – Zygmunt Choreń

He belongs to the world’s elite of ship builders. He designed Fryderyk Chopin and Dar Młodzieży, and the luxurious five-masted Royal Clipper is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Zygmunt Choreń, from Gdańsk, has been designing the world’s largest sailing ships for years, constantly breaking his own records. Tucked away in the privacy of his office, he can hardly be persuaded to talk about his work. He is 74 years old and is not thinking about retirement.

more: https://prestiztrojmiasto.pl/magazyn/62/ludzie/zycie-pod-zaglami-zygmunt-choren

There is no man in the world who has designed more sailing ships than Zygmunt Choreń

Zygmunt Choreń: To this day, I pay attention to the fact that the ship is safe, then comfortable, and only then fast. Those are the three most important things, in that order.

more: https://trojmiasto.wyborcza.pl/trojmiasto/7,35612,19152508,nie-ma-na-swiecie-czlowieka-ktory-zaprojektowal-wiecej-zaglowcow.html

See sailing ships designed by Zygmunt Choreń

There is no man in the world who has designed more sailing ships than Zygmunt Choreń from Gdańsk. “Dar Młodzieży”, “Fryderyk Chopin”, “Alexander von Humboldt” or the newly built Vietnamese “Le Quy Don” – these are just some of his projects. He designed the largest currently sailing sailing vessel “Royal Clipper”, which will soon give the palm of precedence to another colossus, of course also designed by an engineer from Gdańsk.

more: https://trojmiasto.wyborcza.pl/trojmiasto/5,35612,19111418.html

A tall ship for the Algerian Navy launched!

Crowds of curious people arrived at the Remontowa Shipbuilding shipyard in Gdańsk on Saturday noon. Launching the sailing ship built here turned out to be a great attraction for the whole family.

more: https://trojmiasto.wyborcza.pl/trojmiasto/7,35612,19153419,zaglowiec-dla-marynarki-wojennej-algierii-zwodowany.html

This Pole is 74 years old and designs the largest sailing ships in the world. Zygmunt Choreń is a true sailing legend

He calls himself a lucky child. He loves the sea and ships. He widens his eyes at the word “retirement” and is almost to the core offended by the suspicion that at the age of 74 he could retire. Currently, his office is designing one of the largest sailing ships in the world, and his youngest child, created for the Vietnamese army, is ready for a cruise on the coast in Gdynia. Has a full order book. He built “Fryderyk Chopin” and “Dar Młodych” and nearly 20 other yachts.

more: https://innpoland.pl/120233,ten-polak-ma-74-lata-i-projektuje-najwieksze-zaglowce-swiata-zygmunt-choren-to-prawdziwa-legenda-zeglarstwa

“It’s beautiful, slim, dynamic.” Launching of a sailing ship created for the Algerian Navy

An unusual, spectacular launch of a modern sailing ship designed for Algeria took place in Gdańsk. The three-masted frigate for the Algerian Navy is being built by Remontowa Shipbuilding. (…)

The author of the concept and technical design is engineer Zygmunt Choreń, widely recognized as the best constructor of sailing ships in the world. He has several dozen wind-powered units in his achievements. Among them, such famous ones as “Alexander von Humboldt”, “Fryderyk Chopin” or the aforementioned “Mir” and “Dar Młodzieży”.

more: https://radiogdansk.pl/wiadomosci/2015/11/07/jest-piekny-smukly-dynamiczny-odbylo-sie-wodowanie-zaglowca-stworzonego-dla-marynarki-wojennej-algierii/

Polish sailing ship Le Quy Don for Vietnam

After 20 years, the newest sailing training vessel was built in a Polish shipyard – the three-masted barge Le Quy Don. Cadets of the Naval Academy of Vietnam will train there. The unit was designed by a well-known constructor of sailing ships – Zygmunt Choreń, and built within a year by the Gdańsk Marine Projects shipyard.

more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNec364P5L4

Award for Zygmunt Choreń

The editors of the “Sea” monthly awarded Zygmunt Choreń with the annual “Morze” award “KEEP IT GOING!” for outstanding achievements in maritime activities. Master engineer Zygmunt Choreń was then the chief designer of sailing ships at Stocznia Gdańska im. Lenin.

In the article, the editors present the person of Zygmunt Choreń and his achievements, the culmination of which was to become a cruise ship with a sail drive “Gwarek”.

more: https://www.naszbaltyk.com/wszystkie-kategorie/morze-kalendarium/2209-90-nagroda-dla-zygmunta-chorenia-gwarek

The largest sailing ship in the world will be built in Croatia. With Polish contribution.

more: https://zaglowce.info/flying-clipper-pod-zaglami/

Great constructors – the prince of sailing ships

Interview with Elżbieta Pawełek from the magazine “Success” with Zygmunt Choreń.

more: https://facet.wp.pl/wielcy-konstruktorzy-ksiaze-zaglowcow-6002919095837825a