A new project of an ecological sailing ship for training young people from the Choren Design & Consulting

Choren Design & Consulting has presented a new preliminary design of an ecological sailing ship, on which young people aged 12 to 20 are to acquire sailing skills. The initiator of the construction of the vessel is the “Rewa” Yacht Club.

more (in Polish): https://www.portalmorski.pl/wiadomosci/inne/53156-nowy-projekt-ekologicznego-zaglowca-do-szkolenia-mlodziezy-z-biura-choren-design-consulting?fbclid=IwAR2xfpqfI7cEP_PqP4XgKWTvA_hxfiUC20KqkhV426CYVqcwMpXjgk4BcBs